Whatever type of bouquet you want to create, you will always find a suitable gerbera in our huge collection. Do you want a single colour or two-tone variety? A brightly coloured or softer-coloured flower? With a black or green heart? And with smooth, pointed, or curled petals? We will be happy to help you find the right gerbera for your target group and bouquet.
At De Zuidplas nursery, we specialize in different gerbera varieties: the classic large-flowered gerbera with a soft and cheerful appearance, the feisty Spider with its spikey ‘just out of bed’ look, and the playful Pastini with its decorative curl that will add a creative twist to your bouquet.
And there are many other varieties besides these, such as the cute Mini Gerbera, for instance, and the lovely plump Gerponi. In cooperation with other gerbera nurseries, we can provide an exceptional comprehensive range. It all comes together in Summit Gerbera, where you can order different types of gerberas in one go via a single point of contact.
We are constantly looking for new colours and variants to go with the floral trends of the moment. These trends change along with the seasons and also over the years. Whereas the Spider was not a particularly popular choice in the past, it now does wonders for a field bouquet. No matter what trend is currently in vogue, there is always a gerbera to complement it.
At De Zuidplas nursery, we are renowned for the quality of our gerberas. Thanks to the passion and experience of our family business and our close cooperation with breeders, we have succeeded in developing gerberas to a high standard. You can see this in our beautiful large flowers with long sturdy stems that stand tall without the need for stub wire.
Quality begins in the breeders’ laboratory. They are constantly seeking to improve varieties and colours. We help them in their quest and test promising varieties, paying attention to colour, flower size, leaf position, stem length, vase life, and resistance to diseases. We are not satisfied until a flower has a diameter of at least 10 centimetres, the stem is at least 50 centimetres in length, and the flower is guaranteed to last at least two weeks after leaving our greenhouse.
As soon as gerbera plants are around seven weeks old, they come to our nursery. Here, they are given the best care and attention for optimum growth. The challenge lies in tailoring the temperature, lighting, CO2, and nutrition to meet the precise needs of the plants. Even though the varieties don’t all have the same needs. Where necessary, we split our greenhouse into different compartments so that we can respond to these needs accordingly.
Every week, we perform sample analyses to monitor what our plants need. We then readjust all the factors, such as lighting, temperature, CO2, and nutrition. In this way, we constantly provide optimum conditions for the best quality gerberas. Thanks to this excellent care, we can pick the loveliest flowers from our gerbera plants year-round for no less than three years in a row.
Whatever bouquet you want to put together. In our enormous range there is always a gerbera that suits it
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